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In 1665, the King of France appointed the military man Jean Talon to be intendant of the French colony in Canada. Talon settled in Québec City, the capital of New France. There, he developed several industries and organized the colony’s public administration. Artist Lawrence Robe Batchelor depicted Jean Talon visiting a family in the colony.
1617 - 1690

Artists paint New France

New France has long inspired artists to put down on canvas or paper the period’s historic events. Through their work, they bring to life a daily existence now bygone. As the French colony’s capital, Québec City has been an important part of these artistic legacies. This album invites you to discover many such works, created by artists of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Intendant Jean Talon visiting settlers

Lawrence Robe Batchelor In 1665, the King of France appointed the military man Jean Talon to be intendant of the French colony in Canada. Talon settled in Québec City, the capital of New France. There, he developed several industries and organized the colony’s public administration. Artist Lawrence Robe Batchelor depicted Jean Talon visiting a family in the colony.
Chronoscope Can you identify any objects in the house? (unilingual French for a limited time) Source: Library and Archives Canada Acc. No. 1983-45-3 / C-011925 Copyright: Expired - Date: circa 1931