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In this watercolour, Charlesbourg can be seen from Québec City, far off in the distance. La localité de Charlesbourg est située à l'horizon supérieur droit de l’image. In the foreground are emblematic Québec City buildings, still showing signs of military use at the time.
1840 - 1857

Around Québec City

Charlesbourg, Beauport, Sillery and Cap-Rouge are all names that, today, conjure up images of Québec City’s suburbs, but they were still distinct communities in the 19th century. Though they continue to follow their own course through history and have their own distinct identities, their history is nonetheless intimately linked and parallel to that of Québec City. As the city grew and industrialized in the 19th century, these communities remained largely agricultural and French-speaking. Some English-speaking aristocrats did, however, develop estates there. This album takes you on a tour around Québec City at the time!

Charlesbourg and the Saint-Charles River

John Philip Bainbridge In this watercolour, Charlesbourg can be seen from Québec City, far off in the distance. La localité de Charlesbourg est située à l'horizon supérieur droit de l’image. In the foreground are emblematic Québec City buildings, still showing signs of military use at the time.
Chronoscope Do you recognize any buildings? (unilingual French for a limited time) Source: Library and Archives Canada Document in the public domain (free of copyright) - Acc. No. 1983-47-128 - Date: 1840