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Claude Lemieux was a forward for the Montreal Canadiens. During a Rendez-vous 87 match, he attacked the Soviet net defended by Sergei Belocheikine. In the midst of the Cold War, Rendez-vous 87 was an exceptional event that brought together an unusual array of the world’s best hockey players. It was also an opportunity for the Quebec government to promote tourism in the province, as evidenced by the advertising in the background.
1987 - 1987

Rendez-vous 87: The Cold War on ice

In 1987, the National Hockey League (NHL) All-Star Game was held in Québec City. This event traditionally features the best players in this North American league. However, instead of holding the usual match, the organizers of the Québec City event decided to stage a tournament between the best players from the NHL and from the Soviet Union. This was quite a feat during the Cold War, when Soviet players rarely left their homeland. This album invites you to experience the cultural celebrations that were held alongside this unusual event!

Claude Lemieux challenges USSR goaltender Sergei Belocheikin

Yvon Mongrain Claude Lemieux was a forward for the Montreal Canadiens. During a Rendez-vous 87 match, he attacked the Soviet net defended by Sergei Belocheikine. In the midst of the Cold War, Rendez-vous 87 was an exceptional event that brought together an unusual array of the world’s best hockey players. It was also an opportunity for the Quebec government to promote tourism in the province, as evidenced by the advertising in the background.
Chronoscope Can you name the third player in the photo? (unilingual French for a limited time) Source: Ville de Québec All rights reserved: Ville de Québec - Le Soleil Fonds - Date: 1987