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Three Quebec chansonniers came together on the Plains of Abraham for the opening show of the Superfrancofête, on August 13, 1974. They were Félix Leclerc, Gilles Vigneault and Robert Charlebois; three different artists from three different generations. The event is considered the first major open-air show in Quebec. Many other shows took place on this stage during the festival.
1974 - 1974

The 1974 Superfrancofête

In August 1974, young people from the world’s French-speaking countries gathered in Québec City for the Superfrancofête, also known as the Festival International de la Jeunesse Francophone. This was one of Québec City’s first major international events. On the opening night of August 13 on the Plains of Abraham, a record crowd estimated at over 100,000 gathered for a show entitled “J’ai Vu Le Loup, Le Renard, Le Lion” (I saw the wolf, the fox and the lion) featuring Félix Leclerc, Gilles Vigneault and Robert Charlebois. Many consider this event to be the first large-scale outdoor show in Quebec. Were you there?

Three giants in one show

André Boucher Three Quebec chansonniers came together on the Plains of Abraham for the opening show of the Superfrancofête, on August 13, 1974. They were Félix Leclerc, Gilles Vigneault and Robert Charlebois; three different artists from three different generations. The event is considered the first major open-air show in Quebec. Many other shows took place on this stage during the festival.
Chronoscope What memories do you have of this event? (unilingual French for a limited time) Source: Ville de Québec All rights reserved: Ville de Québec - Le Soleil Fonds - Date: 1974-08-01