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In the 1980s, Expo-Québec was a true funfair. Like the impressive Ferris wheel in this photograph, colourful rides and kiosks of all kinds delighted young and old alike. In the background, we can make out the district around the arena.
1912 - 2023

Expo-Québec: Over a century of fun

Agricultural exhibitions first appeared in 19th century Quebec and have played a major role in the province’s history. These annual events first sought to inform the general public of new developments in agriculture and livestock breeding. Over the years, they turned into fairgrounds, with games of skill, horse shows and carnival rides. In Québec City, occasional exhibitions were held starting in 1818. From 1912 onwards, they became an annual event. The last edition of this great celebration took place in 2015. Come and see images of this longstanding historical event!

Expo-Québec rides in 1985

Auteur inconnu In the 1980s, Expo-Québec was a true funfair. Like the impressive Ferris wheel in this photograph, colourful rides and kiosks of all kinds delighted young and old alike. In the background, we can make out the district around the arena.
Chronoscope Do you recognize any other rides? (unilingual French for a limited time) Source: Ville de Québec All rights reserved: Ville de Québec - Date: 1985-08-31