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This postcard from the early 1970s shows a futuristic design with a cable car taking visitors to the top of Montmorency Falls. This image was somewhat prophetic. A cable car was indeed installed here in 1993. It has become a key feature of the tourist site while offering superb views of the surrounding area.
1969 - 1972

Visionary Québec City: Back to the (city’s) future

The fertile human imagination is sometimes limited only by the means available to achieve its ambitions. Right here in Québec City, all kinds of visionary projects never did materialize. This album is inspired by the way the future, progress and science fiction were imagined in the early 1970s. Get a glimpse of a “future” Québec City through these old projects that never happened. Realistic or not? You be the judge! Do you have any memories of projects like this?

A cable car to Montmorency Falls?

Auteur inconnu This postcard from the early 1970s shows a futuristic design with a cable car taking visitors to the top of Montmorency Falls. This image was somewhat prophetic. A cable car was indeed installed here in 1993. It has become a key feature of the tourist site while offering superb views of the surrounding area.
Chronoscope Can you locate the place depicted in this postcard on the map? (unilingual French for a limited time) Source: Ville de Québec All rights reserved: Laurentide Ale - Date: before 1971