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Traditionally, Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day is a way for Québec City residents to reconnect with their roots. It was with this intention that the parade on June 24, 1951, featured historical figures. We see people dressed as French Canadian peasants from the previous century.
1950 - 1965

Saint-Jean-Baptiste parades in Québec City in the 1950s and 1960s

Today, Quebec’s national holiday, Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day, is celebrated mainly with a large-scale performance on the Plains of Abraham, as well as smaller events in the city’s neighbourhoods. In the mid-20th century, however, this holiday was commemorated with a massive parade through the streets of the city. The Société Historique de Québec invites you to delve into its photographic archives to explore photos of Québec City’s Saint-Jean-Baptiste parades in the 1950s and 1960s. Join the party!

1951 Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day parade

Auteur inconnu Traditionally, Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day is a way for Québec City residents to reconnect with their roots. It was with this intention that the parade on June 24, 1951, featured historical figures. We see people dressed as French Canadian peasants from the previous century.
Chronoscope Can you name the buildings in the background? (unilingual French for a limited time) Source: Société historique de Québec © Société historique de Québec - Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Québec Fonds. - Date: 1951