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Mario Dumont, leader of the Action Démocratique du Québec party, Jacques Parizeau, leader of the Parti Québécois party, and Lucien Bouchard, leader of the Bloc Québécois party, signed the sovereignty-association agreement on June 12, 1995, in Québec City. This alliance was intended to broaden the base in support of sovereignty beyond the Parti Québécois, which had launched the referendum.
1995 - 1995

The 1995 referendum

On October 30, 1995, for the second time in 15 years, Quebecers were asked to vote on their province’s constitutional future in a referendum led by the Parti Québécois administration. After a very close campaign, the federalist camp won again, with 50.6% of the vote. However, this time, the “Oui” won 53% of the vote in the Québec City region, with a majority in almost all ridings, except Jean-Talon. Do you have any memories of the 1995 referendum?

An alliance for the “Oui” vote in 1995

Gilles Lafond Mario Dumont, leader of the Action Démocratique du Québec party, Jacques Parizeau, leader of the Parti Québécois party, and Lucien Bouchard, leader of the Bloc Québécois party, signed the sovereignty-association agreement on June 12, 1995, in Québec City. This alliance was intended to broaden the base in support of sovereignty beyond the Parti Québécois, which had launched the referendum.
Chronoscope Do you know where this picture was taken? (unilingual French for a limited time) Source: Ville de Québec All rights reserved: Ville de Québec - Le Soleil Fonds - Date: 1995-06-12