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Right in the centre of town, where the clashes took place and a large security barrier fell, many police officers protected by anti-riot gear face the demonstrators. The area was then filled with tear gas. For a few hours, major tensions arising out of the international political debates took shape in the streets of Québec City, leaving a lasting impression on residents.
2001 - 2001

The 2001 Summit of the Americas

Over the course of its history, Québec City has been the venue for many major international conferences. One such meeting was in 2001, when Québec City hosted the Summit of the Americas. Heads of state from every country on the American continents, with the exception of Cuba, met here. They discussed plans for the Free Trade Area of the Americas. Local community groups and anti-globalization demonstrators from the world over took to the streets to voice their opposition to the FTAA, which ultimately failed to take shape. Do you remember those few days when Québec City was on the front pages of world news?

Row of police officers facing a protester

Patrice Laroche Right in the centre of town, where the clashes took place and a large security barrier fell, many police officers protected by anti-riot gear face the demonstrators. The area was then filled with tear gas. For a few hours, major tensions arising out of the international political debates took shape in the streets of Québec City, leaving a lasting impression on residents.
Chronoscope What are your thoughts on this face-to-face encounter? (unilingual French for a limited time) Source: Ville de Québec All rights reserved: Ville de Québec - Le Soleil Fonds - Date: 2001-04-20