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In keeping with the spirit of historical re-enactment, camps were set up on the Plains of Abraham to recreate Montcalm’s soldiers’ living conditions in the 18th century. Visitors could step back in time as they toured the facilities, which were occupied by actors, extras and specialized craftspeople.
1997 - 2017

Commemorating the past: the Fêtes de la Nouvelle-France

After the success of the Médiévales de Québec festival, it was decided to create a festival that reflected the history of Québec City. The Fêtes de la Nouvelle-France was born to celebrate the historic origins of French in America. Since 1997, these festivities have brought the old city to life every year. For French-speakers from Quebec and all over North America, the festival is a chance to immerse themselves in their cultural past. Of course, the festivities are also open to visitors from all over the world. Come and join in the fun!

Reconstruction of a soldiers’ encampment on the Plains of Abraham

Auteur inconnu In keeping with the spirit of historical re-enactment, camps were set up on the Plains of Abraham to recreate Montcalm’s soldiers’ living conditions in the 18th century. Visitors could step back in time as they toured the facilities, which were occupied by actors, extras and specialized craftspeople.
Chronoscope Do you know where these camps were located? (unilingual French for a limited time) Source: Ville de Québec All rights reserved: Ville de Québec - Date: 1998-08-15