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For the past 10 years, Québec City has lit up over the month of October to raise awareness about breast cancer. Companies, sites and monuments take part in this international movement. Many places in the urban area are light up pink. Residents can admire the Palais Montcalm and Montmorency Falls.
2009 - 2020

A breath of fresh air for Québec City residents

Québec City reinvented itself in the 1980s, bringing its population a host of innovations. Arts and culture was booming, with the inauguration of the Musée de la Civilisation and the Gabrielle-Roy and Claire-Martin municipal libraries. These years ushered in new urban spaces for residents’ use and enjoyment. Just think of Cartier-Brébeuf Park, which is still very popular today. Québec City also gained new international recognition thanks to its inclusion on the UNESCO World Heritage List. This energy and momentum carried over through 1990s and even continues today.

“Québec Ville en Rose” lights up Montmorency Falls

Chantal Gagnon For the past 10 years, Québec City has lit up over the month of October to raise awareness about breast cancer. Companies, sites and monuments take part in this international movement. Many places in the urban area are light up pink. Residents can admire the Palais Montcalm and Montmorency Falls.
Chronoscope Do you have any memories of this event? (unilingual French for a limited time) Source: Ville de Québec All rights reserved: Ville de Québec - Date: 2011-10-19