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Seriously affected by bombardment during the Conquest of 1759, Place Royale required rapid reconstruction to fulfil its commercial vocation. Although the British flag flew overhead, the work was done by French-speaking craftsmen who continued in the traditions of French architecture. Yet archaeological excavations in the 1970s also revealed the influence of British culture in the site’s former residences.
1960 - 1975

Commemorating the past with the restoration of Place Royale

The epicentre of Québec City’s growth since its founding, the Place Royale district declined as maritime trade slowed. By the mid-20th century, the area around the square was rapidly deteriorating, forcing the provincial government to undertake major restoration work. Witness the major restoration work done in Place Royale during the 1960s and 1970s. Do you recognize this location?

British-inspired homes

Auteur inconnu Seriously affected by bombardment during the Conquest of 1759, Place Royale required rapid reconstruction to fulfil its commercial vocation. Although the British flag flew overhead, the work was done by French-speaking craftsmen who continued in the traditions of French architecture. Yet archaeological excavations in the 1970s also revealed the influence of British culture in the site’s former residences.
Chronoscope What do you notice in this image? (unilingual French for a limited time) Source: Ville de Québec All rights reserved: Ville de Québec - Le Soleil Fonds