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In May 1971, the Quebec Remparts, champions of the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League, faced the Edmonton Oil Kings in the Memorial Cup final. The Québec City team won both games at the Colisée de Québec, becoming the Canadian junior hockey champions. Pictured here is the Remparts star of the time, Guy Lafleur.
1970 - 1974

The Quebec Remparts

The Quebec Remparts are a team in the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League (QMJHL) that played from 1969 to 1985 and again from 1997 until today. The franchise was hugely successful in the 1970s, winning the Memorial Cup in 1971, the ultimate trophy in Canadian junior hockey. Throughout its history, the team has served as a professional springboard for many young athletes in the Québec City area. The team boasted several outstanding players, some of whom went on to become NHL stars, like Guy Lafleur, Jacques Richard, André Savard, Guy Chouinard, Réal Cloutier and Michel Goulet. Do you know of any others?

Remparts in the Memorial Cup final

Auteur inconnu In May 1971, the Quebec Remparts, champions of the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League, faced the Edmonton Oil Kings in the Memorial Cup final. The Québec City team won both games at the Colisée de Québec, becoming the Canadian junior hockey champions. Pictured here is the Remparts star of the time, Guy Lafleur.
Chronoscope What do you notice in this image? (unilingual French for a limited time) Source: Ville de Québec All rights reserved: Ville de Québec - Date: 1971–05