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The Petit-Champlain district is one of Old Québec’s most popular attractions. With its pedestrian streets and boutiques, it draws tourists all year round. In winter, the 18th-century buildings are adorned with cheerful decorations and lights. Visitors can admire Place Royale, Notre-Dame-des-Victoires Church and the Breakneck Staircase, the oldest stairs in Québec City.
1887 - 2017

Québec City, a UNESCO World Heritage Site

In 1985, the historic district of Old Québec was added to the World Heritage List of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). In doing so, UNESCO recognized Old Québec as a site of exceptional interest for humanity! This prestigious nomination helps make Old Québec a leading international tourist destination. It also requires Quebec and Canadian authorities to pursue their long-standing efforts to preserve this shared heritage. We have come a long way since Lord Dufferin’s first restoration projects on the historic ramparts in the 1870s!

The Petit-Champlain district, a wintertime treasure

Auteur inconnu The Petit-Champlain district is one of Old Québec’s most popular attractions. With its pedestrian streets and boutiques, it draws tourists all year round. In winter, the 18th-century buildings are adorned with cheerful decorations and lights. Visitors can admire Place Royale, Notre-Dame-des-Victoires Church and the Breakneck Staircase, the oldest stairs in Québec City.
Chronoscope What comments or thoughts does this photo evoke for you? (unilingual French for a limited time) Source: Ville de Québec All rights reserved: Ville de Québec - Date: 2013