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In 1954, the first boulevard was inaugurated to facilitate traffic flow between the Québec Bridge and downtown. In 1957, it was renamed Henri-IV Boulevard, after the French king who reigned in 1608, the year Québec City was founded. In 1970, the boulevard was transformed into a freeway and the Pierre-Laporte Bridge was added.
1971 - 1974

Make way for asphalt!

Automobiles became the main means of transport in North American cities during the 1960s and 1970s. Québec City was no exception. In 1964, Highway 20 connected Québec City to Montréal and the rest of the country. In the 1970s, highways were built all around Québec City, converging at the city centre. Entire neighbourhoods were razed to make way for a web of asphalt that stretched across the city. Québec City lost some of its historic charm during this period. Do you have any memories to share?

The Henri-IV Highway in the early 1970s

W. B. Edwards Inc. In 1954, the first boulevard was inaugurated to facilitate traffic flow between the Québec Bridge and downtown. In 1957, it was renamed Henri-IV Boulevard, after the French king who reigned in 1608, the year Québec City was founded. In 1970, the boulevard was transformed into a freeway and the Pierre-Laporte Bridge was added.
Chronoscope Do you have any memories of this change in the Québec City landscape? (unilingual French for a limited time) Source: Ville de Québec All rights reserved: Ville de Québec - W. B. Edwards Inc. Fonds - Date: 1973