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Here we are at the Saint-Jean-Baptiste parade in Québec City in the mid-1960s! During the Quiet Revolution, a majority of Quebec’s French-speaking population rejected the authority of the Catholic Church. The float refers to the Parent Report, a government report announcing the creation of the Ministry of Education to replace clerical control of education.
1950 - 1965

Saint-Jean-Baptiste parades in Québec City in the 1950s and 1960s

Today, Quebec’s national holiday, Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day, is celebrated mainly with a large-scale performance on the Plains of Abraham, as well as smaller events in the city’s neighbourhoods. In the mid-20th century, however, this holiday was commemorated with a massive parade through the streets of the city. The Société Historique de Québec invites you to delve into its photographic archives to explore photos of Québec City’s Saint-Jean-Baptiste parades in the 1950s and 1960s. Join the party!

The Quiet Revolution in the parade

Auteur inconnu Here we are at the Saint-Jean-Baptiste parade in Québec City in the mid-1960s! During the Quiet Revolution, a majority of Quebec’s French-speaking population rejected the authority of the Catholic Church. The float refers to the Parent Report, a government report announcing the creation of the Ministry of Education to replace clerical control of education.
Chronoscope Can you date this event? (unilingual French for a limited time) Source: Société historique de Québec © Société historique de Québec - Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Québec Fonds. - Date: 1965