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This photograph conveys the joyful mood during Corpus Christi celebrations in Québec City in 1937. Dressed as little angels, the girls spread confetti before one of the procession’s altars of repose. Richly decorated with plant ornamentation and statuettes, these places can be found all along the itinerary. The house we see behind the children still stands on Chapais Street.
1905 - 1945

Corpus Christi, a time-honoured tradition

Corpus Christi is a Catholic religious holiday celebrated 60 days after Easter. It was a very popular feast day in Québec City in the first half of the 20th century, up until 1960s and the secularization of society during the Quiet Revolution. Also known as the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Day, it commemorates the presence of Christ in the sacrament of the Eucharist. On this holy day, local residents decorated their homes and joined in a procession that stopped before altars of repose along the way. Do you have any special memories of Corpus Christi?

Angels in the Corpus Christi procession and altar of repose

Auteur inconnu This photograph conveys the joyful mood during Corpus Christi celebrations in Québec City in 1937. Dressed as little angels, the girls spread confetti before one of the procession’s altars of repose. Richly decorated with plant ornamentation and statuettes, these places can be found all along the itinerary. The house we see behind the children still stands on Chapais Street.
Chronoscope Can you locate this place on the map? (unilingual French for a limited time) Source: Ville de Québec All rights reserved: Ville de Québec - Michel Bédard Fonds - Date: 1905-04-20